August 24, 2009

Grip-It / GoG Connection

Controller Grips are a pretty neat way to enhance the traction you have on your gaming controllers, while also adding some flavor to your favorite console. Grip-It has recently connected with our video game community, and as you can see, have some great looking banners ads all around the GoG.
Grip-It offers enough colors and unique designs/textures, that you could literally switch your controllers look every day of the week! Purple, Red, Green, Clear, Black, Brown, and everything in between will give you plenty of great options as you pick up your package of 6 Grip-Its from their website at! These guys also offer a bunch of unique hats, shirts, stickers, and if you're looking for that unique video game accessory, be sure to stop by and check out Grip-It.
Here's some additional coverage from this exciting connection with Grip-It and the company who manages these little guys...