Our company has connected with the good folks at
Gamers Outreach Foundation, to support their upcoming LAN called
Gamers For Giving. This 3rd year event has grown from the very beginning and is a huge video game tournament held in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This year the main game titles match that of TIPGC, and will be 2v2 Halo 3 and 4v4 MW2. Numerous other game titles will be available for free play.

The neat part about this event, is that the proceeds go towards charity and the non-profit, Gamers Outreach Foundation. Our GoG video game community will be represented by
BEN at the 2010 event, and he'll be working to help manage the live event, as well as providing our company's nice line of gaming equipment and 22" LED televisions.
Gamers For Giving 2010 is May 1st and
Online Registration has already been up for weeks, so if you're interested in this event, be sure to
discuss it over in the GoG Forum and we'll see you soon!
Also, during the event, be sure to watch the
Official GoG Event Profile for all the action, news, and highlights from the event. Banner for the event (below) have been placed around www.GatheringofGamers.com, so use those to get more information and follow along...