With a lot happening within Jet Set Studio right now, many have noticed the extreme activity that we've been experiencing on the new Jet Set Studio Facebook Page and Jet Set Studio Twitter Account. Obviously GatheringofGamers.com is our favorite social network, but we recognize the importance of these mainstream networks and are committed to the intelligent extension of our company, the gaming community we manage, and the professional video game event management we offer around the county.
Since last Thursday (8/19/2010), BEN has been sharing a unique (and aggressive) way of showcasing the awesome video game events that Jet Set Studio has managed since being established in 2007.
In an effort to highlight the new Facebook page for such a unique company like JSS, he is highlighting a single video game event each day, by sharing the best 8 photos from each event starting back in 2007. He began in the beginning, with The Inaugural GoG IMAX Tournament and each day has shared awesome events that followed...all into this special JSS Video Game Event Management Facebook Album.
Even with a commitment to staying in chronological order, the timing of each event being uploaded LIVE, has been ironically impeccable. Yesterday the Massive Inc. event in NYC was spotlighted with 8 amazing photos, and today will conclude the week with our BlackBerry event that was hosted at IBM Lotusphere 2009, down at Disney World. What a great way to finish the week?
The other great thing about Friday's, are that we conclude each week by uploading all of the week's shared event's highlight videos! These will be driven directly into the JSS Video Facebook Page, so consider that your content to tide people over the weekend.
Next week, things start off with another Kidsfest event from 2009, but by the end of the week, The GoG 5,000 Party is in full effect! Some may call this a spamming approach to company awareness, but with so much awesomeness to share...this is the only way we could imagine unloading all this goodness to those gamers, event managers, and fans in between!
Support Jet Set Studio by jumping over to "LIKE", "FOLLOW", comment, and even share all the neat things that are happening in the wild world of social media...we'll see you there.