After over seven months off, isn't it about time we fired up another season of our unique
Community Driven Podcast...better know as the GoGcast!? Season 4 will get underway this week, as we recount numerous video game events and look towards upcoming happenings for our unique video game community.
We're not sure how many people will show up for the premiere's recording tomorrow night, but you can bet the conversation will be flowing with memories of The GoG 5,000 Party,
The Iowa Pro Gaming Challenge, Gamers 4 Giving,
E3 2010, and all the growth we've seen on www.GatheringofGamers.com since the beginning of 2010. We'll also preview the orientation event we have at Central Michigan University this weekend. It should be a great show, so tune in to the
GoGcast Player this week and enjoy another exciting season of the GoGcast!

As an additional surprise, the LONG-awaited and practically legendary
Season 3 Finale actually went online today. We didn't want to throw off the time continuum, so be sure to also check out this episode that was recorded live at
The GoG 5,000 Party in January 2010!